Stokyo Record Runner Royal Blue

レコード盤の上をクルクルと回転し、音楽を再生するMade in Japanの自走式ポータブルレコードプレーヤー。レコード針、アンプ、スピーカーが内蔵されているのであとはレコードさえあればどこでも音楽を楽しむことができます。


メーカーSTOKYO (ストウキョウ)
品名RECORD RUNNER (レコードランナー)
カラーRoyal Blue (ロイヤルブルー)
内容品本体 / マニュアル
電源単4乾電池x2本 (本品に乾電池は付属しておりません。別途ご用意ください)

レコード盤の上をクルクルと回転し、音楽を再生する自走式レコードプレイヤー「RECORD RUNNER」

RECORD RUNNERは手のひらに乗るほどコンパクトな自走式レコードプレイヤーで、DJやレコードコレクターをはじめとする全ての音楽ファンに楽しんで頂けます。
RECORD RUNNERは様々な改良が施されつつも、80年代の発売以来今日まで販売されている唯一のビンテージレコードプレイヤーです。

・スピードマニュアルコントロールノブ (再生速度の微調整が可能になりました。)
・ランアウトグループ (自動停止機能)
・電源状態が一目で確認できるLED Track/Powerライト



Once again the RECORD RUNNER , originally known as the SOUNDWAGON is now
available world wide!
As the world’s smallest portable vinyl record player, the RECORD RUNNER is for anyone whether a DJ, record collector or a simple music lover.
It is a self-contained record player, small enough to fit on the palm of your hand.
Just place it on any 33 1/3 rpm vinyl record and listen to it play.
Totally reengineered from the past 35 year old model, the RECORD RUNNER is ALL NEW!
We have made drastic measures to improve the quality from our older model.
They are hand built, assembled, and MADE IN JAPAN.
Whether shopping for vinyl records, checking out the stash at your local garage sale or listening to your old man’ s disco records (or your own), the RECORD RUNNER is a definite must.
Amaze everyone with the RECORD RUNNER.

Number one sought after record player in the WorldSmallest, most convenient record player in the World
Covered World wide in magazines, tv, movies, etc
Once known as the "Vinyl Killer" and "SOUNDWAGON", now the "RECORD RUNNER".

Parts and various components upgraded since it's last version ("SOUNDWAGON")

Available servicing and maintenance in Americas, Europe and Asia, through STOKYO.

Introduced back in the 80s, the RECORD RUNNER is the only vintage record player still in existence today (with some improvements of course)
The RECORD RUNNER is PATENT PENDING and an officially licensed product of Volkswagen AG.

・Made in Japan
・Ultra Fine Pitch Control
・Stylus and Cartridge system, powered by Audio Technica (Replaceable needle)
・33 1/3 RPM Records Only
・Moter, Amplifer & Speaker are built in
・Battery Life: 90min (2 x AAA Alkaline batteries)
・Volume control
・Automatic stop function at the end of the record
・LED Track/Power light
・Officially licensed Volkswagon product
・Enhanced Sound Quality (best in its class)
・Customer support in Asia , Americas, Oceania, Europe,
 and loved by millions☮


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